22:00 até às 20:00
Jason Simon: 'In and Around the Ohio Pen'

Jason Simon: "In and Around the Ohio Pen"

Exposição individual / Solo Exhibition

A exposição "In and Around the Ohio Pen", de Jason Simon, é formada por um vídeo, em formato Super-8, e quatro fotografias, reunidas especificamente para a ocasião. O vídeo está centrado em duas figuras, o curador Bill Horrigan e o cineasta Chris Marker: nas salas do Sismógrafo, uma visita a uma prisão desafectada sugere uma reflexão acerca da passagem do tempo, com o piano de Marker a proporcionar uma banda-sonora improvisada. As fotografias partem do vídeo e regressam a ele, através do cinema, da rádio e antigas colaborações.

JASON SIMON (Boston, 1961) é professor no College of Staten Island – The City University of New York, onde foi fundador do corpo docente do Departamento de Media Culture. Simon trabalhou como curador assistente de filme e vídeo no Wexner Center for the Arts, onde implementou o Art and Technology Laboratory, para residências artísticas em cinema, e foi representado pela Pat Hearn Gallery 1994-1999. A sua obra foi exposta internacionalmente, incluindo o Whitney Museum Biennial; Neue Gallerie, Graz; ICA London; the Tang Museum; The New Museum e The Kitchen. Em 2013 co-organizou com Moyra Davey os dez anos do "One Minute Film Festival", tornando-se posteriormente numa exposição no Mass MoCA. Em Nova York, Simon co-fundou a Orchard gallery, 2005-2008; foi co-curador da exposição itinerante "Macho Man, Tell It To My Heart: Collected by Julie Ault", e é representado pela Callicoon Fine Arts gallery. Os seus vídeos são distribuídos por The Video Data Bank e os seus textos publicados na Artforum, Frieze, Purple, Parkett e Afterimage.


The exhibition "In and Around the Ohio Pen" by Jason Simon, consists of one video, from Super-8 film, and four photos assembled specifically for the occasion. The video is centered on curator Bill Horrigan and filmmaker Chris Marker: in the space of Sismógrafo, a visit to a disused prison suggests a reflection on the passage of time, with Marker’s piano providing an improvisational soundtrack. The photos depart from the video and lead back to it via cinema, radio and long distance collaborations.

JASON SIMON (Boston, 1961) is a professor at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York, where he was founding faculty of the Department of Media Culture. Simon worked as an assistant curator of film and video at the Wexner Center for the Arts, where he established the museum’s Art & Tech lab for artist residencies in filmmaking, and was represented by the Pat Hearn Gallery from 1994-1999. His work has exhibited widely, including the Whitney Museum Biennial; Neue Gallerie, Graz; ICA London; the Tang Museum; The New Museum and The Kitchen. In 2013, ten years of the "One Minute Film Festival" he co-hosted with Moyra Davey became an exhibition at Mass MoCA. In New York, Simon co-founded the cooperative Orchard gallery, 2005-2008; he co-curated the traveling exhibition "Macho Man, Tell It To My Heart: Collected by Julie Ault", and is represented by the Callicoon Fine Arts gallery. His videos are distributed by The Video Data Bank and his writing has appeared in Artforum, Frieze, Purple, Parkett and Afterimage.
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