18:00 até às 22:30
Opening: Saturday 23rd of November

Opening: Saturday 23rd of November

[SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 23rd of November]

Celebrating its 3rd year anniversary, The Switch has the pleasure to announce "The Ghosts are calling", its upcoming show.

Opening: Saturday 23rd of November 2019 - from 6pm

| Dates & Information
• Opening: Saturday 23rd of November 2019 - from 6pm
• On view from November 27th until February 23rd 2019
• Open Wednesday to Saturday - 3pm/7pm
• Rest of the week by appointment: make a booking at bit.ly/2yltj9x or contact info@theswitchgallery.com 

The Switch is an Artist-Run gallery born with the vocation to present young talents and emerging Artists.

For more information email info@theswitchgallery.com

Rua Herois de Quionga, 54D
1170-179, Lisboa / Portugal

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[Press Release] 

[SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 23rd of November] 

The Switch presents "The Ghosts are calling", a solo show by Skoya Assemat-Tessandier.  

	The Switch is pleased to celebrate its 3rd year anniversary with a fantastic solo exhibition by one of the gallery's most active and striking Artist, Skoya Assemat-Tessandier.  

[Opening reception: Saturday 23rd of November 2019 - from 6pm]  

Part of the 'Sleeping Beauties' original series, "The Ghosts are calling" exhibition showcases the full length of this profound body of work, produced by Skoya Assemat-Tessandier through Live Painting Performances between Paris, Lisbon and New York from 2013 to 2014.  

Including 11 large formats acrylic paintings, 14 masks and sculptures as well as video installations documenting the making and ongoing process of each live performance, this prodigious built-in-scenarios' solo show anchors a unique mark in Art's 21st century.  

"In Skoya Assemat-Tessandier’s new exhibition “The Ghost Are Calling,” paint captures the silhouettes of the human form, while threatening to engulf it as well. The artist creates shadows that seem at the point of erasure: these “Dreamers,” as the artists calls them, have the fluid contours of a dream itself. Such figures are ghosts, appearing as faint and graceful memories of the live female model during an now-elapsed performative act. Their ethereal presence points to the precarious role of the human figure in contemporary societies, floating mysteriously between presence and absence. Like a dream, these shadows recall past images, impressed gestures and positions of the female body found in the paintings of French nineteenth-century artists like Manet and Courbet that now inhabit the collective unconscious.
Skoya’s work reflects on the complex relation between artist and model in history, but seeks also to foment new symbols for our time. His process is imbued with a mysticism that parallels the work of artist Yves Klein, creating alchemical relationship to painted matter, but also using the human figure as its inscriptional tool. To this extent, the masks dripped with paint, worn by the models during the act of painting, stand as phantomatic extensions of this performative body. The weighty admixture of material paint and flesh transforms almost magically into dancing aerial silhouettes, fleeting dreamers bursting with vivacity. They are ghostly traces that seem about to disappear, but whose images haunts our mind and never ceases to call us back.” - S.L

|More on The Switch  

The Switch is an Artist-Run gallery born with the vocation to present young talents and emerging Artists, with a continuous approach towards promoting collaboration across various creative industries. Different kind of Art. Born through diverse practices. Originating from multiple backgrounds, from the intersection of cultures between contemporary art, fashion, music, urban and subcultural conducts.  

"Interesting times. Times where they blur the boundaries. There’s no limit. For them. No segmentation. This group of Dreamers, outliers, outcasts are moving forward without regards for the Art world’s hierarchy nor the status quo. These Artists, creators, messengers, alchemists, are part of this new breed. Not writers. Not painters. Not sculptors. Not poets. Not thinkers nor forces of nature. Not travellers. But all of the above. Because they know IT.”  

Standing by its Artist-run gallery stigma, The Switch strives to give the Artists the opportunity of presenting their works in the up & rising European capital, outlining the role and position of Artists at the outskirt of a new era. 


| Dates & Information 
• Opening: Saturday 23rd of November 2019 - from 6pm 
• On view from November 27th until February 23rd 2019 
• Open Wednesday to Saturday - 3pm/7pm 
• Rest of the week by appointment: make a booking at bit.ly/2yltj9x or contact info@theswitchgallery.com

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Rua Herois de Quionga, 54D 
1170-179, Lisboa / Portugal  
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