19:00 até às 21:00
How to Become the Artist of your Soul?

How to Become the Artist of your Soul?

"HOW TO BECOME THE ARTIST OF YOUR SOUL?" interactive juicy workshops with Birgitta Maes.

The workshops are interactive, dynamic and juicy as a real inquiry into our creative ways of being an artist of our life and soul and the Nondual approach: being with what is, including our resistances, dissatisfactions etc. with/in our life. Nonduality is what the world already is.  It is the name we give for the understanding that Reality is One and not two. Or, put another way, Reality is filled with things that appear distinct, while they are also not separate.


Each workshop has a theme and exercise and/or meditation.

Coming to all 6 workshops is most beneficial for deepening of your understanding and learning in How to become the Artist of your Soul.

It is also possible to attend each workshop as a single event.  Based on Nondual concepts of learning how to live your true Self and Life in an Awakening to your Sustainable Soul. Bring pen and a notebook and an open heart for yourself!

Time 19.00 - 21.00 h. Price for single event attendance euro 12,50,

For whole series of 6 evenings euro 60,00, please pay in advance.

Mail to birgitta_maes@hotmail.com for questions or registration. 

Minimum 6 persons per workshop.

Dates: April 13th, 20th, 27th, May 4th, 11th,18th

Each week a different theme will be explored with exercise and meditation tailor made for this topic.

April 13tth Opening the door on how to adventure in Life.

April 20th Inquiry: “What if Life is about the Mystery of Love?”

April 27th An excursion: “What does having “an Open Heart” mean?”

May 4th   Exploration: “How to become the Artist of your Soul?”

May 11th Experimenting Being with All That Is/Reality- a Nondual State.

May 18th Adventuring: “What is your destiny?”
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