With Mindfulness MBSR Teacher Lucy Gerardin
Learn to access and cultivate your capacity to deal with stress in your life in a healthy way.
Benefits include increased well-being, stress management, relaxation, increased energy levels, improved sleep, less anxiety, ability to cope better with emotionally challenging situations and pain.
The 8 Week Programme
8 weekly classes, including a retreat day between weeks 6 and 7.
Participants are given daily home practice assignments designed to help develop a structured meditation practice. Classes include theoretical information, the experience of a variety of guided meditation practices and discussion of the challenges, benefits, and strategies of developing an ongoing home practice, as well as mindful movement exercises.
Course dates & times
Monday 7th May - 09:30-12:00
Monday 14th May - 09:30-12:00
Monday 21st May - 09:30-12:00
Monday 28th May - 09:30-12:00
Monday 4th June - 09:30-12:00
Monday 11th June - 09:30-12:00
Friday 15th June - 10:00-15:00 (optional retreat day)
Monday 18th June - 09:30-12:00
Monday 25th June - 09:30-12:00
Participation: €220 / €180 (students & people with financial difficulties)
Venue: Academia Yoga Be One - Rua do Salitre 185 r/c direito 1250-199 Lisboa
Metro: Rato. http://www.academiayogabeone.pt/contactos
For more information and registrations, please contact Lucy Gerardin for registrations: lucy.gerardin@gmail.com / TLM 917290675
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