A direcção da Ideias do Levante informa que irá abrir uma classe de Qi Gong, orientada por Gabriele Guhr, em Portimão, no Espaço Portas do Sol (Portimão), às quartas-feiras, entre as 09h30 e as 10h30, a partir de 15 de Novembro de 2017. #Destinatários Adolescentes (maiores de 14 anos), jovens e adultos. #Valores Aula avulso: 1x 60min = 10€ ou em regime de Mensalidade: | 1x semana 60min = 30€ #Inscrições As inscrições para estas aulas deverão ser obrigatoriamente efectuadas de forma atempada, via mensagem privada, através do site www.ideiasdolevante.net ou da página www.fb.com/ideiasdolevante.net . #Notas As inscrições são limitadas ao número máximo de 12 alunos, por aula. #Referências ? Espaço/Portimão: https://goo.gl/maps/ae8F0 + info: www.ideiasdolevante.net [English version] Ideias do Levante will organize a Qi Gong class by Gabriele Guhr, every Wednesday, from 09:30 to 10:30, at Espaço Portas do Sol, in Portimão. This class is open for youngsters (14+) and adults. Qi gong: it is part of the traditional chinese médicine and one of the oldest self-healing systems. The exercises do work directly on the meridians and on the inner organs. Qi means «energy» or «breath» and Gong means «work». The chinese people do practice every day to prevent and heal diseases and create balance in the body, mind and emotions. The daily practice can lead over time to well-being, emotional calm and clarity of the mind. #Options Single lesson: 10 Euros or Monthy fee: 30 Euros #Enrollment One may enroll in this class by sending a private message to www.ideiasdolevante.net ou da página www.fb.com/ideiasdolevante.net . #References ? Espaço/Portimão: https://goo.gl/maps/ae8F0 + info: www.ideiasdolevante.net Gabriele Guhr was born in Germany and got into contact with Japanese 'Martial Arts' in the early 80s, and from then on she knew that would be her path. During the 90s Gabriele got very much involved into Iyengar Yoga and teaching. Followed by several trips to Asia she finally decided to make her living out of it and became, in 2002, teacher of Qi Gong and in 2006 «Profi-Wellnesstrainer» in the «Sportskakademie Dr. Lee Duisburg» under the famous grandmaster Meiko Yuen Lee, Vice Worldchampion in Kung Fu. With the Coreen Master Dr. Yung she learned during several years Taiji quan, the «Wu» style. Gabriele is working now in the Algarve, since 2004.