18:00 até às 20:00
Sci-Fi Soap Opera RPG, Meet-Up Event

Sci-Fi Soap Opera RPG, Meet-Up Event

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People who game together stick together... Unless you're playing Monopoly with your cousins.

At LeafCo, we believe social games are key to wellness. That’s why we bring you a Sci-Fi Soap Opera RPG! Make friends while pretending to be someone else—how could that EVER go wrong?
Oh, and don't worry if you aren't an RPG geek. As long as your good vibes card doesn't decline, you're in!

Event Schedule:
18:00 - Round table chat: Get to know our project and your new friends.

18:15 - Short energizer: Get to know everyone with a silly ice-breaker.

18:25 - Let the games begin: Create your character and share with the circle.

19:00 - The Quest is on—good luck!

19:45 - Round table chat: Reflect, exchange IG handles, and get ready to hit a bar or a restaurant with everyone—you’ll be BFFs by then!

What you'll be playing: Lasers and Feelings - As part of the team on the spaceship Raptor, your job is to explore outer space, meet different aliens (some nice, some... not), and protect your home planets...

Entry: 7€ fee at event entrance - All proceeds will go to Associação Quebra-Dados, which supports community activities (please bring change)

Reservations: Our events fill up quickly. Save a spot by emailing us at info@leafcoportugal.com or DMing us on IG. We'll have 12 spots available for players. Everyone else is welcome to watch, join round tables, and enjoy energizers!

About Us: LeafCo runs meetups, workshops, and events promoting holistic wellness and mental health awareness for digital workers. We blend psychology and social sciences to make self-care cool and fun.
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