Murder Mistery Meet-up: Social RPG

Murder Mistery Meet-up: Social RPG

We believe that the best way to forge lasting friendships is through travel and adventure - and so we decided to bring our community together and do exactly that!

Tapping into the magic of RPGs, LeafCo has prepared a meet-up session where you'll be able participate on an epic roadtrip while sitting comfortably in an amazing space, surrounded by amazing people :)

Event Schedule:
18:00 - Round table chat: get to know our project and your fellow participants, in a relaxed convo about anything and everything.
18:15 - Short energizer: you'll meet your peeps by participating in a short social game designed to connect your fellow players and boost your energy levels :)
18:25 - Let the games begin: Create your character’s backstory, and share with the circle. We’ll take care of everything else, so no need to be prepared at all - don’t hesitate to be spontaneous!
19:00 - the Quest is on: Your adventure commences, with your merry band of fellow participants - don’t worry, our Game Masters are true pros, and they’ll guide your group through dangerous dungeons, lively taverns and long discussions on how to beat that orc.
19:45 - Round table chat - reflect on your journey, exchange IG handles, and get ready to hit a bar or a restaurant with your fellow adventurers - you’ll be bffs by then!

What you'll be playing: BRINDLEWOOD BAY is a murder mystery tabletop role-playing game about elderly women amateur detectives, inspired by Murder, She Wrote and H. P. Lovecraft.

You don't have to have any knowledge of RPGs, or have previous experience of D&D or another tabletop role-playing game. You don't have to bring or prepare anything. We can lend you everything you need including a pre-generated character.In this meet-up we will explore the incredible effect that RPGs have as a practice to know ourselves better, as well as the friends you'll meet on your journey - we've prepared an adventure meet-up that will allow you to socialize, have fun, and discover a whole new world!

If you'd like to learn more about RPGs, check out our blog here:

We look forward to meeting you on Friday the 15th of May!

Start: 18:00h
Entry: 7€ fee at event entrance - All proceeds will go to Associação Quebra-Dados, which helps support community activities (please bring change :)

Venue: Selina, Navis Coworking
R. de José Falcão 199 · Porto

Reservations: Our events tend to fill up quickly- if you want to save a spot, please e-mail us at info@leafcoportugal.com, or contact us via our IG at https://www.instagram.com/leafcoportugal/
Make sure to let us know you're coming, we'll have 12 spots available for players - all other participants will be invited to watch the games, and participate in round tables and the short energizer!

About LeafCo: LeafCo runs meet-ups, workshops, and events aimed at promoting holistic wellness and mental health awareness for digital workers. We leverage psychology and social sciences research to inform our designs, grounding them in an evidence base and sharing tools that are accessible and practical.
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