Thai & Portuguese Revolution - Pisitakun Kuantalaeng , momento #2

Thai & Portuguese Revolution - Pisitakun Kuantalaeng , momento #2

Thai & Portuguese Revolution
by Pisitakun Kuantalaeng

dia 5 de outubro às 18h30 no A LESTE

Momento 2:

- Conversa com Sirikan Charoensiri e André Lamas Leite 

Direitos humanos e leis sob os regimes totalitários e democráticos
(conversa transmitida em direto na página do facebook)

- Jantar tailandês
- DJ Pisitakun
- Tattooing

Este é o segundo de 4 momentos de apresentação sobre o trabalho que Pisitakun está a desenvolver durante a sua residência na Rua do Sol.
Thailand & Portugal Revolution
Hope may lies at the observation of the past through the wider lenses in order to understand the present and progress toward the expected future. It could be a space for us to review the role and importance of people’s struggle in demanding their rights and the hope for a change towards a better country. This is true for people of two countries from different continents.
Looking back to the history of Thailand and Portugal, the revolution which overthrow the tyrant regime in Portugal during 1974 has many interesting aspects comparing to the current climate of Thailand. The uprising of the young, together with the side changing of many soldiers and citizens brought victory for people in Portugal. Meanwhile in Thailand, there is currently the movement of people, especially the young generation, who demand the government to resign, amend the constitution, and reform the monarchy. For this is the time of crisis from COVID19 pandemic, and from the performance of the previous coup junta who was elected as government only after their own amendment of election laws and the constitution. It is evident that they are attempting to rewind the clock of Thailand back to the time of absolute monarchy, despite the consensus to become a democratic country since 1932. The tyranny afflicted many citizens who are voicing their upset through the protests.
Observing the movement of people from both countries through the current context might allow us to see the space of connection and information exchange between Thailand and Portugal in different periods, where the movement of people could be connected.

Com o apoio do programa InResidence da C.M.P.

Com a parceria de TARS Gallery e A LESTE
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