Illustrative Hand Embroidery & Up-cycling Workshop

Illustrative Hand Embroidery & Up-cycling Workshop

Learn the basics of Hand Embroidery and create illustrative stitches 

Oh what a year !  Let's get together to relax and learn a new meditative craft which will help our lockdown times more interesting !

Learn the basics of hand embroidery and create illustrative stitches you can adapt onto clothing. Bring something for yourself or a gift for someone special to sew on during the workshop.

Of course we are taking care that regulation due the Covid are respected.

All materials will be provided and all levels are welcome. Please bring an item of clothing to stitch on (optional), something non-stretch is perfect to work on. Either it has a little hole or any unwanted logo you want to cover, or, refresh with hand embroidery. Like this you can bring your creativity into an act for the sustainability movement!
You are welcome to bring your own ideas and designs to work on with Uma's help. If you don't have anything in mind, just bring yourself and your hands; we will create a collective magic !
About the host:
Embroidery artist and founder of Umamade.co,  Uma Labattut, will run the three-hour session. She re-works unused garments and second hand materials to make art & wearable accessories. She believes that, embroidery is an act of protesting the fast fashion system which creates global social and environmental injustice. In her home studio in Lisbon, she is working on her up-cycling designs.
If you have any questions; please email hello@umamade.co
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