Arrabida's cruise, 20 euros!
Departure at 10:30 at Cais das Fontainhas, Setúbal.
Please be there at 10:00!
On the 31th July we will take a cruise aboard a traditional boat, a Salt Galleon. These boats are unique in the world, witnesses of the past of the Sado region marked by the transport of salt from Alcácer.
We will listen to the story of these boats and their importance in the local economy and, at the same time, enjoy magnificent views over Arrábida and the entire bay of Setúbal and Tróia..
Registration is now open!
Arrábida Route
Sea-going from Fontainhas Marina taking SSE direction towards Ponta do Verde. Roughly in the middle of the river you can look at the following Conspicuous Points up to nº6:
1. Palmela Castle (VIII century) (cardinal point N)
2. S. Filipe Pousada (XVI ) (NW)
3. Albarquel Fort (XVII) (ONW)
4. Ponta do Adoxe (SW)
5. Baixo do Campanário (E)
6. Roman Ruins (I to IV) (S)
Giving port to buoy nº2 of Lisnave South Canal and changing course to west you can look S to Troia Peninsula. Facing N you can look:
7. Comenda Palace (XX) (NNW)
8. Outão Coastal Fort (XIII) (WNW)
9. Figueirinha, Galapos, Portinho da Arrábida beaches (N).
10. Arrábida Monastery (XVI) (N)
You are looking at Sebastião da Gama (our beloved poet) Mother Sierra refuge. Now, you did reached the highest ecstasy moment of the cruise. The landscape our Franciscan’s brothers have shared over the centuries, it is indeed beautiful and invites you to gather.
11. Arrábida Coastal Fort (XVII) (N)
12. Three Sisters (Arrábida Sierra)
13. Barbas do Cavalo Cape max.Longitude
14. Return to Setúbal taking River Sado Channel, giving starboard to 1 and 3 buoys, using our sails alone if possible.
15. Arrival to Fontainhas Marina.
For reservations please send un an sms to 00351 - 914227099 with your name and email. We'll send you the info by email.
See you soon!
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