19:00 até às 21:00
Male Impact & Connection Lab

Male Impact & Connection Lab

0€ - 30€
Welcome to a community of Male Impact, Empowerment, Healing, Connection and Healthy Relationships. A supportive circle that will enable your self-discovery, so you can excel in your life simply by being yourself. 

Come with curiosity and willing to learn. Enter a space that is safe, nurturing, and fun. Meet other amazing men on a similar journey, and allow me to facilitate it.

Let’s discover how we can feel a sense of inner power, how to feel trust, how to find our healthy boundaries, how to love, and live the lives that we want. Let’s share and find out what being a Man means today. 
Let's figure out how this all works together. 

A bit about me, the facilitator: I'm a 29-year-old man on a long path of self-discovery. Up until now, I've held space for Healthy Masculinity work, Emotional Growth / Awakening and Open / Honest / Vulnerable Communication. Recently, I've had a calling to start sharing this to demystify some of the questions that we all search answers for. My intention is to create a safe space where we can all share, learn, and grow together. And to enable the magic we'll discover in these circles to touch all parts of our everyday life, for a fulfilling and rich existence.

I'm here to offer my undivided presence, curiosity and willingness to an intimate group of Men who also feel curious and willing to know themselves better, and their world at large.

If you're interested, reach me through my phone number (at the bottom of this text) or my facebook page if you want to talk about it and/or know more.

Let's build a community together. 

I look forward to creating this space with you!


P.s - If you want to learn more about what I've been up to, please check my my Woman Circles and Mixed Circles. As well as the 9-month program of self development and empowerment for Men - and if you like it, share with the men in your life.

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- Every two weeks, on mondays, starting at November 25th.
- From 19h to 21h.
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- Voluntary donation - I always want you to come, more than I want you to pay. Let your self feel the benefits of our time spent together.*

*   0€ gift us with our presence and willingness to be with us.
*   5€ covers the minimum costs of putting this together.
* 10€ covers the minimum costs and my time/work.
* 15€ covers my investment in my self -  the courses, subscriptions and coaching sessions. To study, learn and grow as a facilitator, a therapist and a coach. So that I always keep on serving better.
* 20€ covers all the the above and gives me time to breath, to love, to meditate, to enjoy life and recharge myself to provide and serve better and with more impact.
*30€ gives me the freedom to give my therapy and coaching to the ones that cannot afford it..
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- There’s a limit of around 10 people.
- Message me to reserve your spot.
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Want to talk 

Call me or whatsapp me on: 918547480
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