ICBAS - Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto
R. Jorge Viterbo Ferreira 228 - Porto Ver website
The 8th edition of the AEICBAS Biomedical Congress will be held on 12th - 15th of March of 2020! http://abc.aeicbasup.pt/ Instagram: @abc_aeicbas The AEICBAS Biomedical Congress had its 1st edition in April 2013, hoping to revive the ideals that created our Faculty. The multidisciplinary philosophy that is so characteristic of our institute, also associated with Professor Nuno Grande, became a challenge in 2013. A challenge that we, as a Students' Union, proudly faced. With this amazing project, we aim to expose and discuss the similarities between the different courses taught at our faculty, emphasizing that there are areas of knowledge that overlap and compliment each other, through our different programs. On the other hand, society is becoming more and more demanding, choosing well prepared students, that are capable of seeing beyond what they were taught through their years in a University - by joining forces, exchanging knowledge and experience, we can prepare each and every one of us, students of the life sciences, for this ever growing world. By redesigning and re-imagining the concept we want to be able to reach every student of the five courses taught at our faculty: Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Aquatic Sciences, Biochemistry and Bioengineering. We believe that Science is what can promote the proximity we aim to achieve - by designing the multidisciplinary mornings, we can grapple this idea, teaching our peers about the benefits of exchanging knowledge and resources. Nonetheless, because each program has its own intricacies, we also organize afternoons, specific for each one, that include practical sessions and lectures!
R. Jorge Viterbo Ferreira 228 - Porto Ver website