~ ~ Abertura temporária do 50hz Club na Rosa Imunda ~ ~ musicas ásperas num ambiente suave DOMINGO 11 AGOSTO / 17h ROSA IMUNDA Traverssa do Ferraz, n° 13 Participação livre / Donativo consciente Instalação sonora Mariana Sardon Concertos Crystable Riley x Paul Abbott x Seymour Wright Dies Lexic Filmes Se Essa Lua Fosse Minha de Larissa Lewandowski Buffertly de Shenly & Wirley Clerka Uma Conferencia de H.F Dj’s Vuduvum & Dj Aube ~~~~~~~~~ Crystabel Riley toured Japan and Europe using drums, electronics and make-up in noise trio Maria and the Mirrors. This was the start of her interest in patterns on skins – human and drum. She was later encouraged – and welcomed – into the Horse Improvised Music Club by Daniel Thompson and Sue Lynch respectively. She is currently working on the multi-format duo project @xcrswx with Seymour Wright. Seymour Wright’s work is about the creative, situated friction of learning, ideas, people and the saxophone – music, history and technique – actual and potential. His solo work is documented on three widely-acclaimed collections – Seymour Wright of Derby (2008), Seymour Writes Back (2015) and Is This Right? (2017). He has collaborated with Ute Kanngiesser, Daniel Blumberg, Anne Guthrie, Jean-luc Guionnet and also played with RP Boo, Container… http://seymourwright.com/ Paul Abbott is working through questions and feelings connecting music and language: using real and imaginary drums, synthetic sounds, performance and writing. He was one of the Sound and Music “Embedded” resident artists at Cafe Oto 2015-2016. He has collaborated with Bill Orcutt, Brandon La Belle, Eddie Prevost, Steve Noble, Evan Parker and Otomo Yoshihide. He his collaboratiing with Seymour Wright under the name XT which is releasing a new album on Empty Gallery. http://www.paulabbott.net ~ Mariana Sardon desenvolve projetos na área da fotografia, vídeo, multimédia e áudio DIY, buscando novas relações entre o analógico e o digital e o desenvolvimento de novos dispositivos audiovisuais no contexto da Performance e da Instalação. Ela é maestria dos circuitos eletronicos ruidosos. https://marianasardon.tumblr.com/ ~ Dies Lexic são Inês Tartaruga Água & Xavier Paes (aka Ead Mann). Trabalhadores do negocios da ficçao urbanas (mestrado em street aestetics) e ficçao cientifica ambiental (activismo de re-naturalizaçaão). Dies Lexic desenvolve « Cripto Anarquia Psicadélica ». https://dieslexic.bandcamp.com/ ~ Filmes Se Essa Lua Fosse Minha de Larissa Lewandoski Video, 13 min, Documentario On the streets, people wander loose, almost free from any attachment like astronauts in space. From that analogy comes ‘Moon Street’. While to the spaceships the moon works as reference, in Porto Alegre some cosmonauts find their north on Garibaldi street. Taking over professor’s Edward Nkoloso dream and his Zambian space program, this documentary tries to bring the moon and the street together, claiming for a democratic space (urban and cosmic), away from the domain of powerful countries and avenues. How do the urban cosmonauts perceive the stars? The dispute? The dream? Neither USA, or Soviet Union, we searched for space through the free eyes of the forgotten, and many times invisible , street astronauts. Buffertly de Shenly & Wirley Clerka A scratched, painted, and bleached film :-)… in video :_( Uma Conferencia de H.F Um filme que fala sobre filme, mas sem filme. Dj Aube is Amélie Taillard, member of the cassette label Consternation from Rennes, France. Vuduvum is Marta Ângela, from Von Calhau, e ela toca discos pra o fundo. CARTAZ do Gaspar Cohen