Hello there!
We invite you to the SenseFiction Day, a WorldWide Movement! MakeSense community will mobilize citizens in different cities all around the world to create social entrepreneurship projects. Join us in Lisbon!
// What's a SenseFiction? //
A SenseFiction is a workshop which enables citizens to create their own startup focusing on a social or environmental issue that matters to them, so…
You don’t have any idea of a project but want to start one to solve a specific social or environmental issue?
You have a project idea and you want to challenge it & find people to help you develop it ?
You’re curious and just want to bring your ideas on the table?
Don’t hesitate anymore, join us! :)
When? May 26th - Saturday
Where? Impact Hub Lisbon (Rua 1° de Maio 103, Alcântara, 1300-472)
>>> Register here https://makesense.typeform.com/to/qP7jvL
* It is a free event. You just need to bring your ideas, smiles, some food to share and some materials you have at home (pen, post-its, papers)
** No particular skills are necessary to be part of the event. Everybody can bring good ideas to put on the table.
*** After the event, let's have a happy hour at Village Underground!
// SenseFiction Worldwide event //
If you want to get the information of the Worldwide event : you can go on the FB page : https://www.facebook.com/events/1531773650183602/?fref=ts
// What's MakeSense? //
MakeSense is an international organization that mobilizes citizens around the world on issues that are important to them; MakeSense connects its volunteers with social entrepreneurs to help them solve their challenges.
In 4 years, +20.000 volunteers helped 1100 social entrepreneurs.
More challenges on www.makesense.org
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