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ISTA Training Portugal - SSSEx Level 1

ISTA Training Portugal - SSSEx Level 1

ISTA Training Portugal - Level 1
Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Experience - SSSEx 
May, 21st - 28th @ Awakeland Portugal

Welcome to the one training that will take you into the highway of BEING ALIVE. This life transforming week long journey is about empowering the life potency which derives from authentically expressed human sexuality. Unveiling the sexual nature is a path of deepening into our emotional body as well as expanding our consciousness to the extent where you can hold yourself in the center of love as a way of life.

The ISTA level one training takes you through peeling the shame guilt and fear you carry around the field of sexuality and relationship. You will embody tools of powerful self-love, emotional clarity and direct authentic communication which change the way you relate to anyone and anything in your life.
Opening the lower chakras supports your relationship with the world of matter, including your own body, other people, the earth, your projects and…your bank account. 
When life-force is flowing all the way from your base a new life begins and everything changes – from the way you look at yourself in the mirror, to your inner conversations, to the way you walk, dream and create your life.

As part of deepening your relationship with the inner realms you will encounter the depth of the feminine and masculine powers within yourself, as well as other archetypes. Reconnecting to these primal life templates will take you to a new level of human BEING.

The combination of hands-on physical, emotional and spiritual tools along with the inspiration of a powerful field of living insight teaches you how to fully show up in your life as the one you always wanted to be. 
The shamanic, spiritual, sexual experience SSSex is a sacred combination which connects the human spirit into the depth of matter in a graceful, courageous way. 

Are you ready to dive deep and fly high with us? 
For this Portuguese seeding of Ista's work we have been listening to the land and waters of a very special part of the country. It is a powerful area of Portugal which attracts many people from all over the world who are researching on relationship community and peace work (such as the ashram of spiritual master Mooji, and the Tamera healing Biotope). We have chosen a land that is reborn and flourishing after a storm of fire several years ago, with a 4 private lakes, and a beautiful wild nature. 

Three well known facilitators from around the globe will lead this group of courageous, conscious, ready to fly people (such as yourself) in this journey of rediscovering the power of life.
The people showing up for these trainings are longing to wake up into full presence, personal and transpersonal awareness, empowerment, and a full integration of the emotional experience into the freedom of being fully themselves. 

This Level 1 training is taking place in Awakeland Portugal, and will be followed by a 1 week Ista love tribe gathering which will support your integration as well as connect you deeper to the ista field.

Awake land nested between the mountains and sea in the Monchique mountains Awakeland is a 21 hectare property with four lakes dedicated to an awakening of the soul into the nature of being. It is easily assessable from the major airports in Portugal. 
Our group room is a Dome which will allow us to stay connected to the nature while working indoors. Working inside a sacred geometry structure will support the portal of transformation of the training.  Access to the lakes is available for your enjoyment and refreshing moments.

You may choose between different accommodation levels and find the right way for you to relax and dive deep in a way that supports your budget, from private rooms to camping.
The land is being taken care of by earth guardians joining permaculture, biodynamic agriculture and eco water systems that are supporting the transcendent vibration of the earth. People from all over the planet are coming to Awake to meditate with the open nature. Three yummy well nourishing vegetarian meals will be served to support your well-being.  

Rex McCann - Lead facilitator
Komala Lyra - Co facilitating
Ellie Wilde - Co facilitating

How to get there?
Below this page you have the information: https://www.awakeland.pt/contacts 

Awake is a place to breathe, feel and simply be. We are nestled between the mountains and sea with 21 hectares: room for 40 people, 4 lakes, 3 geometric dome, and abundance of beautiful nature. Awake´s scenery is unique, and we maintain its natural balance by permaculture and biodynamic agriculture, cultivating local species and living as near as we can the earth. Nature is our most fundamental meditation.

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