De Dentro para Fora - Design Social
Tv. 5 Outubro - Qta do Anjo - Palmela Ver website
De Dentro para Fora // From the InsideOut – Social Design Edição especial de final de ano! by Filipa Santos Centro do Ser Lisbon center, 2pm to 8pm // das 14h às 21h Exercícios em português e inglês . Exercises will be explained in english and portuguese. 9 DEZEMBRO // DECEMBER Explorando e respondendo às questões /Answering the questions: QUEM SOU EU? // WHO AM I? ONDE ESTOU? // WHERE AM I? PARA ONDE QUERO IR? // WHERE DO I WANT TO GO? QUEM QUERO SER? // WHO DO I WANT TO BE? The workshop is dedicated to: earth lovers, people in transition, holistic project begginers, social entrepreneurs and everyone who in interested on the social dimension of sustainability, using practical tools to generate conscience, peace, connection and resilience. We will be using tools generated and developed from: non-formal education, holistic design approach, life coaching and human ecology: + Deep Ecology group dynamics + Non-Violent/Mindful Communication tools + Permaculture & Dragon Dreaming – holistic Design tools + Inner Transition – Transition Movement + 5 Dimensions of Sustainability “From the Inside Out - Social Design”, a social entrepreneurship project by Filipa Santos, originated from the deep need of designing a map that would support inner transitions. It is a Model that guides us on answering key questions or our way to vision with action. How many of us are doing what you love? And who would love to know how to design a personal map to resilience? This is the challenge, inspired by non-formal education, human ecology, integral planning and life coaching. She envisions and draws the lines that connect solutions to life celebration in its all dimensions! Registration // Inscrição: 48€ 15% reduction if you register on the 23rd @SenseDrink 25% redução para desempregados / reduction if you are unemployed (after 5 regular registrations) +351 912 443 597
Tv. 5 Outubro - Qta do Anjo - Palmela Ver website