19:00 até às 22:00
Sushi VS Cocktails - Live Battle - Maré Restaurant

Sushi VS Cocktails - Live Battle - Maré Restaurant

Não perca o combate semanal "Sushi VS Cocktails" entre o Chef Tomás Cambournac e o Barman David Silva no Restaurante Maré. Harmonizar deliciosos menus de sushi com os irreverentes cocktails será uma experiência digna de se assistir em primeira fila!

Don't miss the weekly combat "Sushi VS Cocktails" between Chef Tomás Cambournac and the Barman David Silva at Maré Restaurant. Pairing the sushi menus with the irreverent cocktails will be an experience worth to watch in the front row!

Reserve já | Book now: restaurants.bars@marriott-pdr.pt
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