12:00 até às 16:30
Yoga & Surf afternoon

Yoga & Surf afternoon

3€ - 30€
Come and join us for the next Yoga and Surfing event. It is the perfect combination to experience an afternoon of pure joy and relaxation on the beach. No previous surf experience required. To click "going" on facebook is not enough, please sign up by email to yoganalovesurf@gmail.com.
Price: 30 EUR (10EUR pre-payment required to save your spot, non-refundable).
*includes 90min Surf lesson, equipment and 60min Yoga lesson plus photos.
**to bring - swim wear, sunscreen, comfy warm clothes and a beach towel for Yoga.

Meeting point: Underpass before Sushi Prime Restaurant (see "how to get there")
Price: 30 EUR (pre-payment of 10EUR to register)

Programme (time might vary slightly, depending on surf conditions):
12:00 Registration and Payment, giving out wetsuits and surfboards 
12:30 Warm up and Intro with Johanna & Brian
13:00 Surf lesson with Brian (Hooked Surf School)
14:30 BREAK (getting changed, snack and relax)
15:30 Yoga lesson with Johanna
16:30 Finish in time to relax and enjoy the sunset :)
How to get there? 
Take the train from Lisbon CAIS DO SODRE at 11:20am to Cascais and get out in Carcavelos

If you have your own board, bring it along and join in for Yoga after. Drop in 10 EUR to join in just for Yoga :)
Please sign up via email to yoganalovesurf@gmail.com
Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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