16:00 até às 19:00
Grief/Loss Healing Ceremony: The Yemaya Heart Transmission

Grief/Loss Healing Ceremony: The Yemaya Heart Transmission


Grief & Loss Ceremony
with Goddess Yemaya’s Heart Activation
~ Audio Meditation/Upgrade, Ceremony Instructions ~


Sorrow & Surrender Ceremony, Letting Go of Guilt & Loss, Practicing Self-Care - - - 


In this great time of change, we are asked to review our deepest fears and emotions, to release the pain of the past or the fear we have about the future. As the Divine Feminine surges and expands, we find so much is not what we thought it was, many are leaving Earth prematurely, and so many of us are finding our “real” tribes (thus releasing the “old families” and paradigms). Whatever it is you are mourning, exploring in your deep sadness, the pain can be all-consuming.

In this Ceremony, We call in the grief to be honored, held and released. We must feel these feelings in their entirety or let them fully consume us.  

Through this Ceremony and Audio Activation, we ask to go into the depths of the great Mama Oshun, to be consumed by choice (not force), to ride the waves, to come out clean, in our Power, more in our hearts than before. We claim this sacred right to “mourn” our losses to get back to harmony on Earth, and within our Hearts. And we ask to be surrounded by our Spirit Guide dancers, our communities holding us in our loss, so that the road can be easier.

Yemaya, Mother of All life, reminds us of the deep love and care that is available to us at all times, if we listen to the seashell, if we allow her to take us deep under the waves of loss. She knows betrayal and heartbreak; She knows how to rage and she knows how to forgive. 

How does your heart ache?

Are you grieving losses, betrayals or what you thought were the greatest gifts now gone?

Join us for sacred ceremony and personal DNA upgrade…


We call on Yemaya for this sacred Activation & Ceremony,
OH, Yemaya, who traveled on the slaves ships from Africa to the Americas as guide and protector, who knows our pain and suffering, we call on you to give us your grace, sacrifice and surrender, so that we might endure all pain and loss with reflection and grace and return to love.

With this, Yemaya, we have healed ourselves, taken responsibility for our yemayaceremony2reactions, our deepest regrets and grief, and we have once again honored the Mother- Our bodies as coming from the Earth, our emotions coming from the Sea, Mama Africa being the birthplace of our Divine Templates. We have taken back the Earth by claiming our feelings and emotions and taking back our right to be free, healthy and whole.

Yemaya, let us come to accept all change and to create order out of chaos, calling in your partner orisha (nature spirit), Olokun, to help us go deeply into the turbulent waters, to mourn the separation from our beloveds, from ourselves and from an old world dying, so that we may come out a New People, hearts in tact, shining like a pebble to the sand. We thank you both. 

Yemaya, let us hear your song of the Wailing Mothers so that we might find solace and peace again in our Souls, that we might love again, so that we are reminded in our Faith of Great Creation and your All Giving Life, Your Sacred Waters.

With Yemaya, for this Activation Ceremony, we invite…

All Stages of Grief to Get Back to Love, and…
Rage, Guilt, Shame, Fear, Denial, Negotations, Acceptance & Forgiveness…
Greater Understanding
Deeper Compassion
Self-Love & Self-Nurturing
Surrender to Our Heart’s Needs, Desires & Dreams
Self-Empowerment over Victimhood

In this Ceremony & Activation you may experience…

Rage Release
Healing/Calming of the Central Nervous System & Adrenal Glands (fight or flight)
Truth-telling about your pain and suffering, your belief systems & any denial you have
Light Body Activation/Heart Activation for greater Clarity & Sense of Purpose
Sorrow & Surrender (Acceptance) Ceremony Instructions
Strengthening of Your “Gut” Power (I Can do this, No one & no pain owns me.)
Pineal Gland Cleanse (Third Eye Activation- Seeing the “bigger picture”)
Creation of an Action Plan (TAKING ACTION with Love) & Self-Care Goal Setting



When we heal or deep sorrow, we are forgiven and we can forgive for anything “done” to us or our ancestors, and those things we or our kin have “done” to others. 


Heather Straube channels these divine downloads as a gift of love, commimtent and service. Heather is an Intuitive Counselor, Medium, Mystic and Energy Worker from Portland, Oregon working worldwide. She feels honored to be gifted by Great Spirit at this time, to be alive on this great planet. PRIVATE SESSIONS AVAILABLE 
 - - - at - - -


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