16:00 até às 18:30
High Five Friending - an easy way for making new friends in Cascais

High Five Friending - an easy way for making new friends in Cascais

A new, super fun, very low-pressure and easy way to make long-lasting friendships and connections.

'There are no strangers here; only friends you haven't yet met.' - William Butler Yeats

How does it work: 

You will spend every five minutes with another fellow friender. Five minutes to exchange hobbies, interests, desires, longings, ideas, interesting fobies and stunning characteristics. A quick exploration into common grounds or deep gaps. After the five minutes the bell will ring and you move on to your next encounter.

We provide pens and paper for notes. Do not waste time on contact details, just write down the number of the person in front of you and we'll supply you afterwards with the details.

At the end of this adventure we'll all head for the bar to explore our new found friendships further.

Entrance: €10 per person

Please RSVP using our Meetup page:
Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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