Clube Português de Artes e Ideias
Largo Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, 29, 2º - Lisboa Ver website
VETLICAT (VET Linking Creativity and Advanced Technology) desenvolve-se como um projecto focado num grupo específico de profissionais na indústria criativa, que reúne prestadores de VET, os consumidores, os artistas, designers e criativos. Numa tentativa de enfrentar o problema em que o cenário de ensino e formação professional artística não unificam unificazmente a criatividade e as novas tecnologias, este ciclo de conferências visa trabalhar conjuntamente na construção de precursos que se identifica como modelo de formação inovadora, criado e em prática na “Waag Academy”, na Holanda. VETLICAT (VET Linking Creativity & Advanced Technology) project addresses specific target group of creative industry professionals, both VET providers and consumers such as artists, designers and creative sector decision makers. We are addressing a problem that existing VET scenarios do not blend effectively creativity with advanced technologies. Our main objective is to work together in order to transfer an innovative training model that originated in the Netherlands called “WAAG Academy”. _______________ VETLICAT_Lisboa ///////////////// PROGRAMA ///////////////// >>>SEXTA-FEIRA:<<< PAVEL SMETANA _ Opening CIANT / VETLICAT Conference ACHILLEAS KENTONIS_ Kids fab lab as a stepping foot on the door PATRICIA GOUVEIA Using Serious Games to Generate Participation and Civic Engagement ROBERT PRAXMARER Playing for a better world - System change starts with education, games and storytelling PIA TIKKA Converging neurocinematics and enactive cinema - future out-look >>>SÁBADO<<< MARC BOONSTRA Waag Academy project CARMEN JOHANN How to transform real world data into an engaging and selling gameplay JONAS ZIMMER Games as a simple visualization of complex data MARIA GARDIZI Serious Games - A creative approach to knowledge transfer DANIEL SCHWARZ Next Game Level of Creativity FILIPE PAIS Errors, misbehaviors and friction design: The MisB Kit and The Behavior of Things PETR SVAROVSKY Silver: Failures & Insults ALEXANDER VALJAMAE Physiological computing applications in art, well-being and science context
Largo Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, 29, 2º - Lisboa Ver website