14:15 até às 17:15
Comparing Communities Convergence

Comparing Communities Convergence


What is it about
We are inviting eco-projects to come and share their experience by preparing (before their arrival) a 10-minutes presentation (about 1500 words) related to 6 different topics about everyday life in their eco-community or eco-village. Throughout the program the aprojects will compare each other’s experiences regarding each topic.
Workshops on Community Building Methods will be part of the program too, as well as Group Connection Activities.

Who can participate
- Representatives of EcoCommunities, EcoVillages
- Anyone else who is interested in this topic

The 6 Topics
1) Presentation of the eco-project
(e.g. where it is located, when it was founded and by how many people. how many people live there at the moment. what are the vision and main goals…)
2) Financial-system
(e.g. how is the project financed. do residents earn money within the project? do volunteers pay something during their stay? how does the project decide where and how to invest or spend the money…)
3) Structure of the week
(e.g. are there working hours, how many? is there a structure in the working hours? how do the cleaning, cooking work? does the project welcome volunteers and how is their stay organized? is there a selection for the volunteers? are there activities, workshops happening?…)
4) Residents 
(e.g. do residents share meetings, how often? how does the decision making work? are there any conflict solving methods used? what’s the experience in the project till now? did the project have to deal with conflicts? how are the responsibilities, tasks to do shared?…)
5) Level of self-sufficiency 
(e.g. does the project have a garden? are any permaculture techniques used? how are the infrastructures? does the project use eco-building techniques? are there solar panels? where does the food come from? is it bio or non-bio? is it bought from locals or in supermarkets? is there still a consistent production of waste? how does the project get the building materials and working tools?…)
6) Food and Drugs 
(e.g. are there food restrictions like vegetarian, vegan, no coffee, no sugar, no non-bio products…what if someone wants to eat something not allowed in the communal food? is the project drug-free or not? what kind of drugs are not allowed? how do people react to the restrictions?…)

Participants will help sharing cooking and cleaning shifts.

Own tent or caravan

This is a drug-free event

Shared food and organization costs based on free self-responsible donations.
All costs will be displayed transparently.

Workshops facilitator: Andrei Iuroaia

If you want to participate contact Elena eb.artist@gmail.com

For more details: see website www.communitiesconvergence.org/comparing-communities-convergence/
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