Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Pólo Cientiífico e Tecnológico da Madeira, piso -2 - Caminho da Penteada - Funchal Ver website
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) and the students of the Masters in Human Computer Interaction (MHCI) kindly invite you to participate in the Capstone Projects Presentation on May 20th at 15h:00 at Classroom. This event represents the MHCI mid-term presentation. The teams Push and WavesFM will present the progresses they've made so far, in the pursuit of the goal set in the beginning of the semester by two industry members: Play (Poland) and RootiO (Uganda). You are also invited to toast, with a Madeira d’Honra in M-ITI's Garden. For more information please check our website Please join us for an innovative and educational experience. See you all there!
Pólo Cientiífico e Tecnológico da Madeira, piso -2 - Caminho da Penteada - Funchal Ver website