Danced tantra Monday in lisbon near rossio (read description)

Danced tantra Monday in lisbon near rossio (read description)

10€ - 15€
Reserva/confirmação para titoalho@gmail.com ou mensagem privada para tito alho
Reservation/confirmation to titoalho@gmail.com or private message to tito alho

Valores / Prices:

Aula/class – from 10 to 15e

Trazer garrafa de agua / roupa confortavel / pequena toalha para limpar o suor
Bring water bottle / confortavel / small towel for the sweat

Studio - near praça da figueira (Rossio)

A morada exata é dada por mensagem privada.
The exact location will be given by private message.


HolisticJourney events


Outros contactos/other contacts:

Danced Tantra
It’s a gathering of beings that have the manifestation of doing a journey of their inner being, with other or others. 

It’s about sharing life experiences, dancing in many ways and exploring senses in a respectful, confortable and safe environment.

What is tantra for Tito Alho
Its a form of connection, exploration e evolution of oneself as being and identity in all aspects. 

How to learn to communicate, interact and connect with the other(s) in all levels and learn how to listen, feel and get to know the other(s) and the other(s) ourselves. 

Sharing, Giving and receiving.


Reduces Stress and anxiety

Improvement of connection

Improves global and psicological well being

Improves Body Awareness

Improves the quality of sleep

What can happen in a class?
Breathing exercises

Connection exercises

Individual, pair and group dancing

Contact dance

Improvisation dance

Different ways of expression and creativity

Body expression

Vocal exercises

Games and playfullness

Touch and massage

Tantra exercises


Awareness exercises

A lot of diffrent group dynamics



Bounderies and consent exercises

Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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