O Gabinete de Madame Thao
Rua Ferreira Borges, 191 (Atelier 2, Pátio), 1350-275 Lisboa (Campo de Ourique) - Lisboa Ver website
Throughout this September artist Wild Fox will be running a series of workshops where the public can learn about the cyanotype process used in their upcoming exhibition Perceptions. There are 3 workshops a day, located at O Gabinete De Madame Thao, Lx Factory, 1300-501 on the following dates: 02/09 09/09 16/09 23/09 For only €20 for a 2 hour workshop you will be instructed how to harness one of the earliest photographic methods ever invented to produce stunningly captivating imagery. You will get to take home 2 professional standard cyanotype prints and learn about the early history of photography along the way. Follow the link below to book a slot: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DACAC28A3F9C16-cyanotype#/
Rua Ferreira Borges, 191 (Atelier 2, Pátio), 1350-275 Lisboa (Campo de Ourique) - Lisboa Ver website