Terra Na Boca - UMA ASSOCIAÇÃO CULTURAL COM O MUNDO LÁ DENTRO Apresenta: TRIBO 2015 – O ANO DA CO-CRIAÇÃO COOPERAÇÃO + INTERCAMBIO = CO-CRIAÇÃO + CO-PRODUÇÃO + CO-PROGRAMAÇÃO + CIRCULAÇÃO A Tribo Circuit é o grande projecto de vida da Terra na Boca e foi lançado e ganhou raízes em 2014 no âmbito do Festival TRANSdisse 2014 - O ANO DA TRIBO. A Tribo Circuit é uma rede-circuito internacional composta por Projectos, Pessoas, Colectivos, Espaços e Eventos aderentes nos 5 Continentes. Esta rede pensa e facilita a Promoção, a Circulação, o Encontro, a Co-programação e a Co-criação a nível nacional e internacional. - Quais as vantagens? Esta rede promove, divulga os seus aderentes e potencia o encontro e a circulação dos mesmos pela Rede Internacional. Oferece condições especiais e ofertas únicas e exclusivas para a Tribo Circuit. Programar e/ou co-programar outros aderentes da Tribo Circuit para os seus eventos. Co-criação de eventos de raiz. Cedência do espaço a custo zero ou valores simbólicos para elementos e actividades Tribo Circuit. NOVIDADES PARA 2015: Informação divulgada em diferentes línguas da Tribo aderente, incluindo MAPA Tribo Circuit - uma Agenda única e integrada, que contribuirá para aumentar a visibilidade (nacional e internacional) da riqueza artística e cultural desta TRIBO Qual o investimento? · · Anual: 100€ - Adesão Anual 2015 (numa só transferência). Quais os Prazos? · · Adesão Anual: Até dia 15 de Dezembro de 2014 para estadia em 2015. Como fazer parte? Mais Informação e Pré-inscrição através do site: www.tribocircuit.com ................................................................................................. EN: TERRA NA BOCA – A CULTURAL ASSOCIATION WITH THE WORLD INSIDE Presents: TRANSdisse Festival 2015 – THE CO-CRIATION YEAR Terra na Boca is a non-profit Cultural Association founded in 2009. Already with a very large and enthusiastic curriculum, Terra na Boca values the awareness, training, research, experimenting, promotion and production of artistic events, as well as social, cultural, environmental and welfare actions. The project was supported by the Ministry of Culture and by DGArtes that considered it a “project, presented by a young team, whose diversity of backgrounds ensures an investment in the intersection of several areas.” According to the annual Multifaceted and Multicultural Festival of Permanent Dialogue, named TRANSdisse, 2015 is the CO-CRIATION YEAR. TRIBO Circuit 2015 Terra na Boca is now starting its 6th year of activity with its project Tribo Circuit. This year the watchword is Co-creation logically and gradually found in these 6 years of activity, with its strong transdisciplinary and collective approach. COOPERATION + INTERCHANGE = CO-CREATION + CO-PRODUCTION + CO-PROGRAMMING + CIRCULATION Tribo Circuit is a life project of Terra na Boca, launched and rooted in 2014 within the TRANSdisse FESTIVAL 2014 – THE TRIBO YEAR. HOW CAN I BE INVOLVED? For more Information and Pre-subscription on www.tribocircuit.com NEWS: We aim to, whenever possible, announce all the information in the different languages of Tribo adherent, including Tribo Circuit MAP – a unique and integrated Agenda, which will contribute to increase the national and international visibility of the artistic and cultural wealth of this TRIBE – TRIBO (please see no. 0 edition in the site). How can I invest? • Quarterly: 50€ - Individual subscription 25€ - In network subscription - a minimum of 4 ingredients (25€ per ingredient) • Annual: 100€ - Annual Subscription 2015 (one single bank transfer) What are the Deadlines? • Quarterly Subscription: up to the 10th for next month (example: up to 10th December for the quarter of Jan-Feb-Mar 2015); • Annual Subscription: up to 15th December 2014 to 2015 year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FR (Légende de l'image) Une tribu qui englobe beaucoup d'autres tribus Le monde devient plus large, de plus courtes distances TERRA NA BOCA - UNE ASSOCIATION CULTURELLE AVEC LE MONDE DEDANS Présente: Festival TRANSdisse 2015 - L’ANNÉE DE LA CO-CREATION. TRIBO Circuit COOPÉRATION + ÉCHANGE = CO-CRIATION + CO-PRODUCTION + CO-PROGRAMMATION + CIRCULATION Tribo Circuit est un projet de vie de Terra na Boca, qui a été lancé et a pris racines en 2014 dans le cadre du Festival TRANSdisse 2014 – L’ANNÉE DE LA TRIBU. Qu'est-ce que ce est? C' est un réseau humain de coopération et échanges internationaux composé par des projets, Personnes humaines, Collectives, Espaces et Evénements adhérents dans les cinq continents. Quelle est la Mission de Terra na Boca pour TRIBO Circuit? - Répondre aux souhaits, intérêts et nécessités des adhérents: Qu’est-ce qu’on cherche? Qu’est-ce qu’on offre? - Affirmer la Tribo comme un espace humain varié et entier de type communautaire. - S’affirmer comme un réseau d’encontre et partage professionnelles. Pourquoi rejoindre le Tribo? Parce que vous obtenez le droit de/à: > DIFFUSION > L’INCLUSION - travailler ensemble et dès l’intérieur de la communauté; > OFFRES EXCLUSIVES pour les membres > CONDITIONS SPÉCIALES D’ACCUEIL Car tout le monde se est engagé à: > ÊTRE SOLIDAIRE ET ACTIF DANS LE RESEAU > OFFRIR CONDITIONS D’ACCUEIL > FAIRE GRANDIR LE RESEAU > S’IDENTIFIER COMME ADHÉRENT Quel est l'investissement? PAR ANNÉE Au plus tard le 15 Décembre 2014 - offre spéciale! 100€ - Adhésion individuel pour l'année 2015 PAR TRIMESTRE 50€ - Adhésion individuel 25€ - Adhésion en réseaux - un minimum de 4 ingrédients (25€ par ingrédient) Exemple: Au plus tard le 10 Décembre 2014 pour le trimestre Jan-Fév-Mar 2015