16:00 até às 18:00
Exhibition 'Obsolete', Guided Tour by the artist

Exhibition "Obsolete", Guided Tour by the artist

Hypercube Space is happy to host "Obsolete" exhibition created by the young artist Catarina Sampaio Teixeira.

In this art event, we are inviting you to see the exhibition Obsolete and experience the performative artworks by the guide of the artist.

Catarina's performative sculptures can only be completed with the participance of the art audience. She creates contemporary sculptures which require the interaction of the human behavior. They are shaped, produced and consumed by the interactivity. Come and be a part of the art at Hypercube Space, by the exhibition of the contemporary artist Catarina Sampaio Teixeira.

Event Details

Free entrance

January 22, 2022, Saturday, 4PM - 6PM

Hypercube Space, Rua Almeida e Sousa 40 B, Campo De Ourique, Lisbon

About the Exhibition

Obsolete is a first solo exhibition of Portuguese young artist Catarina S Teixeira.

Catarina developed the body of work for the exhibition, ’Obsolete' using different materials and techniques that inspired much of the process of creation. Her artistic practise reflects on the diversity of human behavior and societal construction, provoking questions about what is seen and experienced.

She values interaction with the spectator, who can either be emerged and impelled by her works or even become part of them, providing a more direct reaction and a deeper reflection on what they are experiencing.

About Hypercube Space

HyperCube is a non-profit experimental art space founded by artist, Özge Topçu and takes its purpose and identity from her art practice. It is dedicated to curating and hosting projects that further understanding the relationship between space, science, and sociology. It is an open and transparent project space for trans-disciplinary activity and aims to build institutional engagement with non-institutional actors. We are open for project proposals from makers, thinkers, artists, and scientists year-round.


About the Artist

Catarina Sampaio Teixeira was born in 1999, Lisbon, Portugal. She graduated from the Faculty of Belas-Artes Lisbon and studied Painting. She has participated in group exhibitions such as Show up of Young Artists, Vila Nova de Gaia, 2021; Pandemic Symbol, 2021; Virtual Exhibition on Art2Act, 2021. She attended an artist residency at Telheiro da Encosta do Castelo, Oficinas do Convento at 2021 and realised an art performance 'You can do whatever you want' on Rua de Xabregas No:2.
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