17:00 até às 22:30
Rare Effect Vol2: Desterronics Open Air

Rare Effect Vol2: Desterronics Open Air

Rare Effect Vol2 & Art Progression Now Presents:

18 - 22:30h Desterronics


-- Rare Effect vol2: an NFT Festival --

Rare Effect vol2 is a 10-day cultural program, featuring a digital crypto art NFT exhibition and live music performances. It will happen physically at Arroz Estudios in Lisbon and virtually in the metaverse developing the portal between physical and digital arts.

The event will combine 2D & 3D digital displays, AR & VR exhibits, as well as performance art and live-streamed music acts.

Full event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/3439339032838892/





-- Art Progression Now --

Rare Effect Vol 2 is curated by Art Progression Now, a borderless collective working towards open, fair and distributed support systems for artists.

Fb: fb.com/artprogression.now/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/artprogressnow
Telegram: t.me/joinchat/E2_RtEhFML9ZwnBS


Medidas Covid-19:
- Uso obrigatório de Máscara na Entrada, nos Bares, WC e Zonas de Circulação
- Mantenha uma distância física mínima de 1,5m.
- Lave as mãos com a maior frequência possível
- Se não se sentir bem ou se tiver uma temperatura elevada, por favor permaneça em casa


Covid -19 measures.
We kindly ask everyone to comply with the following:
- Please use a mask.
- When queuing at the bar or toilet please keep 1,5m distance.
- Wash your hands as often as possible.
- If you feel unwell or have a high temperature, please stay home.
Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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