Sábado | 8 Maio 
Com Hikaru Noguchi
Horário | 10.00 às 13.00
Preço €55 | Participantes máx. 20

No tempo das nossas avós, as peças de malha eram cerzidas a preceito e a roupa era quase toda feita em casa. No momento actual, a roupa é sobretudo proveniente do fabrico pronto-a-vestir, e habituamo-nos a comprar, usar e deitar fora. Mas nos últimos anos, cada vez mais marcas e pessoas se preocupam com a reciclagem, a sustentabilidade e o impacto ambiental da indústria do vestuário. Este workshop explora uma técnica antiga de darning (cerzir/remendar) de peças de tricot ou de tecido, em que a formadora Hikaru Noguchi é mestre.
Remendar significa adicionar valor a uma peça, porque o objetivo é que ele fique visível e seja mais um atributo da peça. Nesta sessão online vamos aprender as técnicas de “seed stitch” e “weave”, com uma especialista. O “seed stitch” é utlizado para peças com danos leves ou nódoas, que não tenham um buraco. Já o “Weave Darn” é utilizado para grandes estragos, ou peças com buracos, mas cujos buracos não devem ser maiores do que o cogumelo de remendar ou do que a concha da sopa. Cada participante deve ter alguma experiência de coser à mão.
Actividade ministrada em inglês

  • Deve preparar 2 ou 3 peças de roupa para aprendizagem.
  • Cogumelo para cerzir ou concha da sopa ( o 1º podem comprar em aqui )
  • Um elástico de cabelo
  • Agulha de tapeçaria e agulha de bordados
  • Linhas de remendos, bordados, ou fio de tricot
  • Tesoura


Trata-se de uma edição online, transmitida em tempo real e em directo através da plataforma Zoom. Para aceder, o participante só precisa de um telemóvel, tablet ou computador com uma boa ligação à internet. Cada participante receberá um link e password para que se possa juntar ao workshop.
Sendo um workshop em directo, os participantes têm obrigatoriamente de estar ligados no dia e hora respectivos para participarem.

Hikaru Noguchi é uma designer de têxteis japonesa que vive entre o Japão e o Reino Unido. Nos últimos 10 anos tem-se concentrado na técnica do darning, seguindo a filosofia de ‘Looking after your belongings for a bit longer’ (cuidar dos nossos pertences por mais tempo) . Isso fez com que desenvolvesse algumas novas técnicas de darning. Tem 3 livros publicados no Japão, um dos quais está traduzido em Chinês e Inglês.

Em caso de desistência:
Haverá lugar a reembolso do valor total da inscrição quando a desistência for comunicada até 8 dias úteis antes do workshop. Depois dessa data, o reembolso só poderá ser considerado se o lugar for preenchido.
Caso o workshop não se realize por falta de participantes, ou por outro motivo, o valor da inscrição será devolvido na sua totalidade.

Saturday | May 8th, 10.00 – 13.00, Lisbon time
Price €55 | Maximum number of participants : 20
Workshop conducted in English

“When I was little, I was surrounded by old things. My grandfather's hobby was collecting antiques and art. My mother, who taught knitting, used to unravel old sweaters and make skeins. When my father was young, he bought a car that he continued to use for 40 years. I grew up knowing the fun that repairing and continuing to use things could bring. When I first travelled to England at the age of 19, I felt at home with the British way of life where the 'preservation of old things' and at the same time 'new values' were norms of society. I lived in England for another 15 years with this comfortable feeling. But now times have changed. In the blink of an eye the world has become a place where it is cheaper to replace most things than it is to repair them. As a designer, who for more than 25 years has proposed new designs and products, I have come to question the contradictions of the fashion and design industries. What I found when I first came to England was a form of needlework, darning, in which the mended parts stand out; this suggested a way to solve some of those contradictions.

As time passes, you become attached to things and less keen to keep buying more stuff. So the purpose of darning is not simply the craft. If you think 'Is it okay to mend it myself?' then just go ahead and do it.” Hikaru Noguchi , ‘Looking after your belongings for a bit longer’
In our grandmother’s time fabric and knitting pieces were mending, in one invisible way. By that time, all our clothes were made at home. At the present time with the Fast Fashion growing, some of us forgotten these techniques. However, in the past few years with the enormous pollution of the Fashion Industry, more and more people is concerned with mending and darning techniques. This is an additional feature which brings additional value to the garment. The text above, from Hikaru Noguchi, resumes the propose of darning and we welcome her to a virtual workshop on Darning ( transmitted by zoom), taught in English, exploring the seed darning stitch and the basket weave darning. One inspires in sashiko stitches and the other remind us of a piece of weaving.

The SEED DARN, is used for some light damage and stain, not hole and the WEAVE DARN, some heavy damage and hole, but damage must not be bigger than the darning mushroom or ladle. You will need some hand sewing experience.

Please prepare 2-3 garments for the workshop. If they prepare only one, and it may not be suitable for the workshop, then we will be stuck.
  • Darning Mushroom or Ladle
  • Hair elastic
  • Embroidery needle and/or tapestry needle
  • Thread for darning, embroidery, lace and knitting
  • Scissors

Hikaru Noguchi is a Japanese Textile Designer, previously based in the UK and South Africa, and has shown her knitted fashion brand ‘HIKARU NOGUCHI’ collection for nearly thirty years. For the last ten years, she has been doing darning, repair and mending as her passion for ‘Looking after your belongings for a bit longer’ Despite Hikaru being a knitted textile designer, she has great experience and knowledge about darning for woven fabric. She has developed many new darning techniques in the last decade which has triggered a boom of darning around the world. She has published three darning books in Japan, one of which has been published in English and Chinese.

In case of withdrawal:
The full registration fee will be refunded when the withdrawal is communicated up to 8 working days prior to the activity. After this time, the refund can only be considered if the vacant place is filled.
If the activity is not held due to a lack of participants, or for any other reason, the registration fee will be refunded in full.

Fonte: http://www.museudooriente.pt/4207/darning-remendos-em-tecidos-ou-pecas-de-tricot-.htm
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