FLUC - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
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(EN) The Coimbra Research & Development Unit, "Institute for Philosophical Studies" (IEF), publically announces its 1st IEF International Colloquium: ROADS TO CARE, to be held at the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of the University of Coimbra (FLUC) on October 10-12th, 2018; see: www.uc.pt/fluc/uidief As more than a sign of their extreme vulnerability, contemporary societies find themselves amid of violence and injustice in several different forms. Victims of domestic violence, homeless, unemployed, the sick and elderly people as well as huge waves of refugees escaping from war or the poorest zones of the globe, all due to destabilisation, and to economic, political and structural fragilities urge philosophy to reflect upon such an inhuman situation. Keynote Speakers: Virginia Held, Lazare Benaroyo, Jean-Pilippe Pierron CALL FOR PAPERS We call whoever feels herself/himself interested in discussing the issue of “care” in an international forum such as the 1st IEF International Colloquium: ROADS TO CARE to deliver a paper (in English, French or Portuguese) in one of the following three sections: 1) Care in its Historical formulations (i.e. from the Greek 'oikeiosis' to the Latin "cura" or "sollicitudo" as well as its more Modern formulations such as "souci de soi", "Sorge", "hospitalité"); 2) Care and its Interdisciplinary Crossroads (Environmental and Wealth sciences, Ecology, Psychology, Nursing and Social Service, Law, Economy, as well as the entire field covered by what is now being called Curating Studies); 3) Care and its philosophical discussion (aiming at answering, by different perspectives such as i.e. ontology, ethics, epistemology, analytical philosophy, etc., the following question: "Is there such a thing as a 'philosophy' of care?"). WORKING LANGUAGES OF THE COLLOQUIUM: Portuguese, English, French. All those interested in participating are urged to present the title and a summary of their proposal until May, 31th 2018, through this Form(https://goo.gl/forms/qaBY20n2LKu2H7iA3). Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra (FLUC) Research & Development Unit, Institute for Philosophical Studies (IEF)
Largo Porta Férrea - Coimbra Ver website