19:30 até às 20:00
Book Launch | ‘From Coimbra to London: to live the punk dream and meet my tribe’

Book Launch | ‘From Coimbra to London: to live the punk dream and meet my tribe’

Apresentação: Paula Guerra e Pedro Quintela | Preço: Gratuito | Port Wine Welcome Drink | Abertura da Exposição: 18 de julho de 2016, 19h30-20h

PAULA GUERRA, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Institute of Sociology, University of Porto, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, KISMIF Project Coordinator, Portugal
PEDRO QUINTELA, Faculty of Economics, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, KISMIF Project, Portugal

Descrição: Apresentação do trabalho de Paula Guerra e Pedro Quintela, intitulado “From Coimbra to London: To live the punk dream and meet my tribe”. Num dia de celebração do punk e dos Parkinsons, este capítulo pretende discutir a importância destas dinâmicas, nomeadamente no que respeita à constituição e manutenção da cena musical de Coimbra, encontrada nos emblemáticos Tédio Boys que, nos anos 90, levaram o punk de Coimbra para o exterior, tendo tido os Estados Unidos como seu local de destino; uma mobilidade que se perpetuou até ao presente, especialmente até à primeira década deste século, através de bandas como The Parkinsons.


Presentation: Paula Guerra and Pedro Quintela | Price: Free | Port Wine Welcome Drink | Opening: 18 july 2016, 19h30-20h

PAULA GUERRA, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Institute of Sociology, University of Porto, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, KISMIF Project Coordinator, Portugal
PEDRO QUINTELA, Faculty of Economics, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, KISMIF Project, Portugal

Description: Presentation of Paula Guerra and Pedro Quintela last article, entitled: “From Coimbra to London: To live the punk dream and meet my tribe”. In a day of celebration of punk and The Parkinsons, this work intends to discuss the importance of these dynamics, namely for the constitution and maintenance of Coimbra’s music scene, found by the emblematic Tédio Boys who, in the 1990’s, took the Coimbra punk abroad, having had the United States as their place of destination; a mobility that has perpetuated to the present day, particularly in the first decade of this century, through such bands as The Parkinsons.
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