Improvisation Workshop for Self-Development - Fast & Slow

Improvisation Workshop for Self-Development - Fast & Slow

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It took everyone by surprise.

A team of researchers from a renowned university discovered a direct correlation between improvisation and life satisfaction.

It turns out that coming into presence, playing, connecting to your partner and engaging your whole body and senses into the experience leads to:
- improved relationships
- higher creativity and problem solving capacity
- harmonious collaborations 
- deepened intimacy
- innovative collective results and 
- win-win situations.

Let's check if they are right!

In this workshop you will find:
- a safe and fun environment to play, relax and reconnect with your creativity and build friendly connections.
- activities where you will experience personal growth on an emotional, intellectual and physical level
- guidance to transfer the improvisation learnings to any area of their life (personal relationships, work or hobbies).


No previous experience required I Open to everyone I In English I 3h I

The methodology uses:
- improvisation theatre principles and exercises created by educators Viola Spolin and Keith Johnstone, activating the body, mind, breath and voice. The activities are dedicated to cultivate presence, focus and connection, and can be practiced both individually and in groups.
- reflection time dedicated to transfering the learning points to daily life situations, using the principle of Circle of Trust created by educator Parker J. Palmer.

Focus Theme #5: Fast and Slow


About the trainer

Maria Carbunaru is an improviser, educator and cultural anthropologist creating effective experiential learning environments for 13 years.
She founded ACTitudine - The Improvisation School in Cluj, Transylvania and coordinated Education Studio organization for 7 years until she moved to Portugal. 
She supported young people and adults from various environments reconnect with their vitality, clarity and creative powers and gave more than 5000 hours of training within the Erasmus+ network, in Europe, Caucasus and North Africa since 2009.


- Cost: 15 euros. 
- If you are coming with a friend: 12 euros. 
All subscribers need to register. 
MBWay: 912832254
Revolut: @mariacarbunaru


Saturday, 29th of June, 15.00 - 18.00
Where: Parque do Sao Roque, Entrada Casa da Sao Roque


For any questions, write at: meadows.eu@gmail.com
Registration: https://forms.gle/qrboiXZcuWmNpUjBA

“Everyone can act. Everyone can improvise. We learn through experience and experiencing.”

Viola Spolin
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